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[Merge] ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-unused-replication-helpers into launchpad:master


Colin Watson has proposed merging ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-unused-replication-helpers into launchpad:master.

Commit message:
Remove unused replication helpers

Requested reviews:
  Launchpad code reviewers (launchpad-reviewers)

For more details, see:

All this stuff seems to have been a remnant of when Launchpad used to use Slony-I for its own internal database replication, and is long obsolete.
Your team Launchpad code reviewers is requested to review the proposed merge of ~cjwatson/launchpad:remove-unused-replication-helpers into launchpad:master.
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9317a84..82f290a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ logs/*
diff --git a/database/replication/helpers.py b/database/replication/helpers.py
index 66c9fef..b5fe45a 100644
--- a/database/replication/helpers.py
+++ b/database/replication/helpers.py
@@ -5,241 +5,9 @@
 __all__ = []
-import subprocess
-from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
-from textwrap import dedent
 import psycopg2
-from lp.services.config import config
-from lp.services.database.postgresql import (
-    ConnectionString,
-    all_sequences_in_schema,
-    all_tables_in_schema,
-    fqn,
-from lp.services.database.sqlbase import (
-    connect,
-    sqlvalues,
-from lp.services.scripts.logger import DEBUG2, log
-# The Slony-I clustername we use with Launchpad. Hardcoded because there
-# is no point changing this, ever.
-# The namespace in the database used to contain all the Slony-I tables.
-# Replication set id constants. Don't change these without DBA help.
-# Seed tables for the lpmain replication set to be passed to
-# calculate_replication_set().
-LPMAIN_SEED = frozenset(
-    [
-        ("public", "account"),
-        ("public", "person"),
-        ("public", "databasereplicationlag"),
-        ("public", "fticache"),
-        ("public", "nameblocklist"),
-        ("public", "openidconsumerassociation"),
-        ("public", "openidconsumernonce"),
-        ("public", "codeimportmachine"),
-        ("public", "scriptactivity"),
-        ("public", "launchpadstatistic"),
-        ("public", "parsedapachelog"),
-        ("public", "databasereplicationlag"),
-        ("public", "featureflag"),
-        ("public", "bugtaskflat"),
-        # suggestivepotemplate can be removed when the
-        # suggestivepotemplate.potemplate foreign key constraint exists on
-        # production.
-        ("public", "suggestivepotemplate"),
-        # These are odd. They are updated via slonik & EXECUTE SCRIPT, and
-        # the contents of these tables will be different on each node
-        # because we store timestamps when the patches were applied.
-        # However, we want the tables listed as replicated so that, when
-        # building a new replica, the data that documents the schema patch
-        # level matches the schema patch level and upgrade.py does the right
-        # thing. This is a bad thing to do, but we are safe in this
-        # particular case.
-        ("public", "launchpaddatabaserevision"),
-        ("public", "launchpaddatabaseupdatelog"),
-    ]
-# Explicitly list tables that should not be replicated. This includes the
-# session tables, as these might exist in developer databases but will not
-# exist in the production launchpad database.
-    # Session tables that in some situations will exist in the main lp
-    # database.
-    "public.secret",
-    "public.sessiondata",
-    "public.sessionpkgdata",
-    # Mirror tables, per Bug #489078. These tables have their own private
-    # replication set that is setup manually.
-    "public.lp_account",
-    "public.lp_openididentifier",
-    "public.lp_person",
-    "public.lp_personlocation",
-    "public.lp_teamparticipation",
-    # Database statistics
-    "public.databasetablestats",
-    "public.databasecpustats",
-    "public.databasediskutilization",
-    # Don't replicate OAuthNonce - too busy and no real gain.
-    "public.oauthnonce",
-    # Ubuntu SSO database. These tables where created manually by ISD
-    # and the Launchpad scripts should not mess with them. Eventually
-    # these tables will be in a totally separate database.
-    "public.auth_permission",
-    "public.auth_group",
-    "public.auth_user",
-    "public.auth_message",
-    "public.django_content_type",
-    "public.auth_permission",
-    "public.django_session",
-    "public.django_site",
-    "public.django_admin_log",
-    "public.ssoopenidrpconfig",
-    "public.auth_group_permissions",
-    "public.auth_user_groups",
-    "public.auth_user_user_permissions",
-    "public.oauth_nonce",
-    "public.oauth_consumer",
-    "public.oauth_token",
-    "public.api_user",
-    "public.oauth_consumer_id_seq",
-    "public.api_user_id_seq",
-    "public.oauth_nonce_id_seq",
-IGNORED_SEQUENCES = {"%s_id_seq" % table for table in IGNORED_TABLES}
-def slony_installed(con):
-    """Return True if the connected database is part of a Launchpad Slony-I
-    cluster.
-    """
-    cur = con.cursor()
-    cur.execute(
-        """
-        SELECT TRUE FROM pg_class,pg_namespace
-        WHERE
-            nspname = %s
-            AND relname = 'sl_table'
-            AND pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
-        """
-        % sqlvalues(CLUSTER_NAMESPACE)
-    )
-    return cur.fetchone() is not None
-class TableReplicationInfo:
-    """Internal table replication details."""
-    table_id = None
-    replication_set_id = None
-    primary_node_id = None
-    def __init__(self, con, namespace, table_name):
-        cur = con.cursor()
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            SELECT tab_id, tab_set, set_origin
-            FROM %s.sl_table, %s.sl_set
-            WHERE tab_set = set_id
-                AND tab_nspname = %s
-                AND tab_relname = %s
-            """
-            % (
-                + sqlvalues(namespace, table_name)
-            )
-        )
-        row = cur.fetchone()
-        if row is None:
-            raise LookupError(fqn(namespace, table_name))
-        self.table_id, self.replication_set_id, self.primary_node_id = row
-def sync(timeout, exit_on_fail=True):
-    """Generate a sync event and wait for it to complete on all nodes.
-    This means that all pending events have propagated and are in sync
-    to the point in time this method was called. This might take several
-    hours if there is a large backlog of work to replicate.
-    :param timeout: Number of seconds to wait for the sync. 0 to block
-                    indefinitely.
-    :param exit_on_fail: If True, on failure of the sync
-                         SystemExit is raised using the slonik return code.
-    :returns: True if the sync completed successfully. False if
-              exit_on_fail is False and the script failed for any reason.
-    """
-    return execute_slonik("", sync=timeout, exit_on_fail=exit_on_fail)
-def execute_slonik(script, sync=None, exit_on_fail=True, auto_preamble=True):
-    """Use the slonik command line tool to run a slonik script.
-    :param script: The script as a string. Preamble should not be included.
-    :param sync: Number of seconds to wait for sync before failing. 0 to
-                 block indefinitely.
-    :param exit_on_fail: If True, on failure of the slonik script
-                         SystemExit is raised using the slonik return code.
-    :param auto_preamble: If True, the generated preamble will be
-                          automatically included.
-    :returns: True if the script completed successfully. False if
-              exit_on_fail is False and the script failed for any reason.
-    """
-    # Add the preamble and optional sync to the script.
-    if auto_preamble:
-        script = preamble() + script
-    if sync is not None:
-        sync_script = dedent(
-            """\
-            sync (id = @primary_node);
-            wait for event (
-                origin = @primary_node, confirmed = ALL,
-                wait on = @primary_node, timeout = %d);
-            """
-            % sync
-        )
-        script = script + sync_script
-    # Copy the script to a NamedTemporaryFile rather than just pumping it
-    # to slonik via stdin. This way it can be examined if slonik appears
-    # to hang.
-    script_on_disk = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="slonik", suffix=".sk")
-    print(script, file=script_on_disk, flush=True)
-    # Run slonik
-    log.debug("Executing slonik script %s" % script_on_disk.name)
-    log.log(DEBUG2, "Running script:\n%s" % script)
-    returncode = subprocess.call(["slonik", script_on_disk.name])
-    if returncode != 0:
-        log.error("slonik script failed")
-        if exit_on_fail:
-            raise SystemExit(1)
-    return returncode == 0
+from lp.services.database.sqlbase import ISOLATION_LEVEL_DEFAULT
 class Node:
@@ -255,373 +23,3 @@ class Node:
         con = psycopg2.connect(str(self.connection_string))
         return con
-def _get_nodes(con, query):
-    """Return a list of Nodes."""
-    if not slony_installed(con):
-        return []
-    cur = con.cursor()
-    cur.execute(query)
-    nodes = []
-    for node_id, nickname, connection_string, is_primary in cur.fetchall():
-        nodes.append(Node(node_id, nickname, connection_string, is_primary))
-    return nodes
-def get_primary_node(con, set_id=1):
-    """Return the primary Node, or None if the cluster is still being setup."""
-    nodes = _get_nodes(
-        con,
-        """
-            set_origin AS node_id,
-            'primary',
-            pa_conninfo AS connection_string,
-            True
-        FROM _sl.sl_set
-        LEFT OUTER JOIN _sl.sl_path ON set_origin = pa_server
-        WHERE set_id = %d
-        """
-        % set_id,
-    )
-    if not nodes:
-        return None
-    assert len(nodes) == 1, "More than one primary found for set %s" % set_id
-    return nodes[0]
-def get_standby_nodes(con, set_id=1):
-    """Return the list of standby Nodes."""
-    return _get_nodes(
-        con,
-        """
-            pa_server AS node_id,
-            'standby' || pa_server,
-            pa_conninfo AS connection_string,
-            False
-        FROM _sl.sl_set
-        JOIN _sl.sl_subscribe ON set_id = sub_set
-        JOIN _sl.sl_path ON sub_receiver = pa_server
-        WHERE
-            set_id = %d
-        ORDER BY node_id
-        """
-        % set_id,
-    )
-def get_nodes(con, set_id=1):
-    """Return a list of all Nodes."""
-    primary_node = get_primary_node(con, set_id)
-    if primary_node is None:
-        return []
-    else:
-        return [primary_node] + get_standby_nodes(con, set_id)
-def get_all_cluster_nodes(con):
-    """Return a list of all Nodes in the cluster.
-    node.is_primary will be None, as this boolean doesn't make sense
-    in the context of a cluster rather than a single replication set.
-    """
-    if not slony_installed(con):
-        return []
-    nodes = _get_nodes(
-        con,
-        """
-            pa_server AS node_id,
-            'node' || pa_server || '_node',
-            pa_conninfo AS connection_string,
-            NULL
-        FROM _sl.sl_path
-        ORDER BY node_id
-        """,
-    )
-    if not nodes:
-        # There are no subscriptions yet, so no paths. Generate the
-        # primary Node.
-        cur = con.cursor()
-        cur.execute("SELECT no_id from _sl.sl_node")
-        node_ids = [row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()]
-        if len(node_ids) == 0:
-            return []
-        assert len(node_ids) == 1, "Multiple nodes but no paths."
-        primary_node_id = node_ids[0]
-        primary_connection_string = ConnectionString(
-            config.database.rw_main_primary
-        )
-        primary_connection_string.user = "slony"
-        return [
-            Node(
-                primary_node_id,
-                "node%d_node" % primary_node_id,
-                primary_connection_string,
-                True,
-            )
-        ]
-    return nodes
-def preamble(con=None):
-    """Return the preable needed at the start of all slonik scripts."""
-    if con is None:
-        con = connect(user="slony")
-    primary_node = get_primary_node(con)
-    nodes = get_all_cluster_nodes(con)
-    if primary_node is None and len(nodes) == 1:
-        primary_node = nodes[0]
-    preamble = [
-        dedent(
-            """\
-        #
-        # Every slonik script must start with a clustername, which cannot
-        # be changed once the cluster is initialized.
-        #
-        cluster name = sl;
-        # Symbolic ids for replication sets.
-        define lpmain_set   %d;
-        define holding_set  %d;
-        define sso_set      %d;
-        define lpmirror_set %d;
-        """
-        )
-    ]
-    if primary_node is not None:
-        preamble.append(
-            dedent(
-                """\
-        # Symbolic id for the main replication set primary node.
-        define primary_node %d;
-        define primary_node_conninfo '%s';
-        """
-                % (primary_node.node_id, primary_node.connection_string)
-            )
-        )
-    for node in nodes:
-        preamble.append(
-            dedent(
-                """\
-            define %s %d;
-            define %s_conninfo '%s';
-            node @%s admin conninfo = @%s_conninfo;
-            """
-                % (
-                    node.nickname,
-                    node.node_id,
-                    node.nickname,
-                    node.connection_string,
-                    node.nickname,
-                    node.nickname,
-                )
-            )
-        )
-    return "\n\n".join(preamble)
-def calculate_replication_set(cur, seeds):
-    """Return the minimal set of tables and sequences needed in a
-    replication set containing the seed table.
-    A replication set must contain all tables linked by foreign key
-    reference to the given table, and sequences used to generate keys.
-    Tables and sequences can be added to the IGNORED_TABLES and
-    IGNORED_SEQUENCES lists for cases where we known can safely ignore
-    this restriction.
-    :param seeds: [(namespace, tablename), ...]
-    :returns: (tables, sequences)
-    """
-    # Results
-    tables = set()
-    sequences = set()
-    # Our pending set to check
-    pending_tables = set(seeds)
-    # Generate the set of tables that reference the seed directly
-    # or indirectly via foreign key constraints, including the seed itself.
-    while pending_tables:
-        namespace, tablename = pending_tables.pop()
-        # Skip if the table doesn't exist - we might have seeds listed that
-        # have been removed or are yet to be created.
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            SELECT TRUE
-            FROM pg_class, pg_namespace
-            WHERE pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
-                AND pg_namespace.nspname = %s
-                AND pg_class.relname = %s
-            """
-            % sqlvalues(namespace, tablename)
-        )
-        if cur.fetchone() is None:
-            log.debug("Table %s.%s doesn't exist" % (namespace, tablename))
-            continue
-        tables.add((namespace, tablename))
-        # Find all tables that reference the current (seed) table
-        # and all tables that the seed table references.
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            SELECT ref_namespace.nspname, ref_class.relname
-            FROM
-                -- One of the seed tables
-                pg_class AS seed_class,
-                pg_namespace AS seed_namespace,
-                -- A table referencing the seed, or being referenced by
-                -- the seed.
-                pg_class AS ref_class,
-                pg_namespace AS ref_namespace,
-                pg_constraint
-            WHERE
-                seed_class.relnamespace = seed_namespace.oid
-                AND ref_class.relnamespace = ref_namespace.oid
-                AND seed_namespace.nspname = %s
-                AND seed_class.relname = %s
-                -- Foreign key constraints are all we care about.
-                AND pg_constraint.contype = 'f'
-                -- We want tables referenced by, or referred to, the
-                -- seed table.
-                AND ((pg_constraint.conrelid = ref_class.oid
-                        AND pg_constraint.confrelid = seed_class.oid)
-                    OR (pg_constraint.conrelid = seed_class.oid
-                        AND pg_constraint.confrelid = ref_class.oid)
-                    )
-            """
-            % sqlvalues(namespace, tablename)
-        )
-        for namespace, tablename in cur.fetchall():
-            key = (namespace, tablename)
-            if (
-                key not in tables
-                and key not in pending_tables
-                and "%s.%s" % (namespace, tablename) not in IGNORED_TABLES
-            ):
-                pending_tables.add(key)
-    # Generate the set of sequences that are linked to any of our set of
-    # tables. We assume these are all sequences created by creation of
-    # serial or bigserial columns, or other sequences OWNED BY a particular
-    # column.
-    for namespace, tablename in tables:
-        cur.execute(
-            """
-            SELECT seq
-            FROM (
-                SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence(%s, attname) AS seq
-                FROM pg_namespace, pg_class, pg_attribute
-                WHERE pg_namespace.nspname = %s
-                    AND pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
-                    AND pg_class.relname = %s
-                    AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
-                    AND pg_attribute.attisdropped IS FALSE
-                ) AS whatever
-            WHERE seq IS NOT NULL;
-            """
-            % sqlvalues(fqn(namespace, tablename), namespace, tablename)
-        )
-        for (sequence,) in cur.fetchall():
-            if sequence not in IGNORED_SEQUENCES:
-                sequences.add(sequence)
-    # We can't easily convert the sequence name to (namespace, name) tuples,
-    # so we might as well convert the tables to dot notation for consistancy.
-    tables = {fqn(namespace, tablename) for namespace, tablename in tables}
-    return tables, sequences
-def discover_unreplicated(cur):
-    """Inspect the database for tables and sequences in the public schema
-    that are not in a replication set.
-    :returns: (unreplicated_tables_set, unreplicated_sequences_set)
-    """
-    all_tables = all_tables_in_schema(cur, "public")
-    all_sequences = all_sequences_in_schema(cur, "public")
-    # Ignore any tables and sequences starting with temp_. These are
-    # transient and not to be replicated per Bug #778338.
-    all_tables = {
-        table for table in all_tables if not table.startswith("public.temp_")
-    }
-    all_sequences = {
-        sequence
-        for sequence in all_sequences
-        if not sequence.startswith("public.temp_")
-    }
-    cur.execute(
-        """
-        SELECT tab_nspname, tab_relname FROM %s
-        WHERE tab_nspname = 'public'
-        """
-        % fqn(CLUSTER_NAMESPACE, "sl_table")
-    )
-    replicated_tables = {fqn(*row) for row in cur.fetchall()}
-    cur.execute(
-        """
-        SELECT seq_nspname, seq_relname FROM %s
-        WHERE seq_nspname = 'public'
-        """
-        % fqn(CLUSTER_NAMESPACE, "sl_sequence")
-    )
-    replicated_sequences = {fqn(*row) for row in cur.fetchall()}
-    return (
-        all_tables - replicated_tables - IGNORED_TABLES,
-        all_sequences - replicated_sequences - IGNORED_SEQUENCES,
-    )
-class ReplicationConfigError(Exception):
-    """Exception raised by validate_replication_sets() when our replication
-    setup is misconfigured.
-    """
-def validate_replication(cur):
-    """Raise a ReplicationSetupError if there is something wrong with
-    our replication sets.
-    This might include tables exist that are not in a replication set,
-    or tables that exist in multiple replication sets for example.
-    These is not necessarily limits with what Slony-I allows, but might
-    be due to policies we have made (eg. a table allowed in just one
-    replication set).
-    """
-    unrepl_tables, unrepl_sequences = discover_unreplicated(cur)
-    if unrepl_tables:
-        raise ReplicationConfigError(
-            "Unreplicated tables: %s" % repr(unrepl_tables)
-        )
-    if unrepl_sequences:
-        raise ReplicationConfigError(
-            "Unreplicated sequences: %s" % repr(unrepl_sequences)
-        )
-    lpmain_tables, lpmain_sequences = calculate_replication_set(
-        cur, LPMAIN_SEED
-    )
diff --git a/database/replication/preamble.py b/database/replication/preamble.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 694d1bb..0000000
--- a/database/replication/preamble.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python3 -S
-# Copyright 2009-2011 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Generate a preamble for slonik(1) scripts based on the current LPCONFIG.
-__all__ = []
-import _pythonpath  # noqa: F401
-import time
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import replication.helpers
-from lp.services import scripts
-from lp.services.config import config
-from lp.services.database.sqlbase import connect
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = OptionParser()
-    scripts.db_options(parser)
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    if args:
-        parser.error("Too many arguments")
-    scripts.execute_zcml_for_scripts(use_web_security=False)
-    con = connect()
-    print("# slonik(1) preamble generated %s" % time.ctime())
-    print("# LPCONFIG=%s" % config.instance_name)
-    print()
-    print(replication.helpers.preamble(con))
diff --git a/database/replication/sync.py b/database/replication/sync.py
deleted file mode 100755
index af646c7..0000000
--- a/database/replication/sync.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python3 -S
-# Copyright 2010 Canonical Ltd.  This software is licensed under the
-# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
-"""Block until the replication cluster synchronizes."""
-__all__ = []
-import _pythonpath  # noqa: F401
-from optparse import OptionParser
-from lp.services.scripts import db_options, logger_options
-from replication.helpers import sync
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    parser = OptionParser()
-    parser.add_option(
-        "-t",
-        "--timeout",
-        dest="timeout",
-        metavar="SECS",
-        type="int",
-        help="Abort if no sync after SECS seconds.",
-        default=0,
-    )
-    logger_options(parser)
-    db_options(parser)
-    options, args = parser.parse_args()
-    sync(options.timeout)
diff --git a/lib/lp/services/config/schema-lazr.conf b/lib/lp/services/config/schema-lazr.conf
index c5efae3..ce448cf 100644
--- a/lib/lp/services/config/schema-lazr.conf
+++ b/lib/lp/services/config/schema-lazr.conf
@@ -607,11 +607,6 @@ storm_cache: generational
 # datatype: integer
 storm_cache_size: 10000
-# Where database/replication/slon_ctl.py dumps its logs. Used for the
-# staging replication environment.
-# datatype: existing_directory
-replication_logdir: database/replication
 # If True, the connection string must contain a username, and the database
 # adapter will switch to the target `dbuser` using `SET ROLE` after
 # connecting (the session user must be a member of the target role).  If
diff --git a/lib/lp/services/database/postgresql.py b/lib/lp/services/database/postgresql.py
index 9e72661..8ba5252 100644
--- a/lib/lp/services/database/postgresql.py
+++ b/lib/lp/services/database/postgresql.py
@@ -475,63 +475,6 @@ def allow_sequential_scans(cur, permission):
     cur.execute("SET enable_seqscan=%s" % permission_value)
-def all_tables_in_schema(cur, schema):
-    """Return a set of all tables in the given schema.
-    :returns: A set of quoted, fully qualified table names.
-    """
-    cur.execute(
-        """
-        SELECT nspname, relname
-        FROM pg_class, pg_namespace
-        WHERE
-            pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
-            AND pg_namespace.nspname = %s
-            AND pg_class.relkind = 'r'
-        """
-        % sqlvalues(schema)
-    )
-    return {
-        fqn(namespace, tablename) for namespace, tablename in cur.fetchall()
-    }
-def all_sequences_in_schema(cur, schema):
-    """Return a set of all sequences in the given schema.
-    :returns: A set of quoted, fully qualified table names.
-    """
-    cur.execute(
-        """
-        SELECT nspname, relname
-        FROM pg_class, pg_namespace
-        WHERE
-            pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid
-            AND pg_namespace.nspname = %s
-            AND pg_class.relkind = 'S'
-        """
-        % sqlvalues(schema)
-    )
-    return {fqn(namespace, sequence) for namespace, sequence in cur.fetchall()}
-def fqn(namespace, name):
-    """Return the fully qualified name by combining the namespace and name.
-    Quoting is done for the non trivial cases.
-    >>> print(fqn("public", "foo"))
-    public.foo
-    >>> print(fqn(" foo ", "$bar"))
-    " foo "."$bar"
-    """
-    if re.search(r"[^a-z_]", namespace) is not None:
-        namespace = quoteIdentifier(namespace)
-    if re.search(r"[^a-z_]", name) is not None:
-        name = quoteIdentifier(name)
-    return "%s.%s" % (namespace, name)
 class ConnectionString:
     """A libpq connection string.