Hi all.I'm new here and I'd like to congratulate you all for you hard work and effort. The facilities are great and I look forward to spending more of my free time here.
I've noticed that some strings to be translated from English appear to be poorly worded. example: https://translations.launchpad.net/homebank/main/+pots/homebank/de/49/+translate
The csv file must contains the exact numbers of column, separated by a semi-colon, please see the help for more details.It would be great to be able to offer alternate wording suggestions directly on the translations page. This could be done via a message to the author or simply by entering new wording.
It would also be great to be able to see the extracted phrase in context. A screen shot or something. I realise this isn't as easy to achieve as the first suggestion.
Perhaps I'm missing something and the English is already a translation from someone else. Is there a way to find the root language of a translation job?
Yours, Uwe.
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