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Re: setting bug contacts

On 8/25/07, Christian Robottom Reis <kiko@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 12:32:31PM -0700, Jordan Mantha wrote:
> >   So today I was going to go add ~edubuntu-bugs as a bug contact for
> > some packages and I found that I couldn't. This from
> > and the fact that I'm
> > not and admin for ~edubuntu-bugs.
> Who is the admin of that group? Why aren't you an admin of it?

ogra is the admin, but my question is why should I have to be an admin
in the first place? I'm pretty sure the majority of teams use admins
just for membership approval so it's usually just the team lead/owner.
Now you have to give full privileges to a person just to allow them to
add/remove bug contacts. In the teams that I am owner/admin I don't
want to have to make the whole team admins just so they can add/remove
the team as a bug contact. In the smaller, working teams that I run,
if a person can't be trusted with setting bug contacts then I frankly
don't want them on the team and will remove them if they continue to
abuse it.

> >   This is quite annoying as there are a lot of teams that don't need
> > such control and only have the team owner as admin. Can we make this
> > "only admins can set bug contacts" a configurable thing?
> Probably not. Do you set random teams as bug contacts, or is the number
> of teams you supervise fairly limited? If it is we can coordinate to
> have you added as an administrator.

Well, that's a shame. I realize that you guys have your reasons, but
how making a "one-size-fits-all" service is going to work. I can't
help but think that a significant number of potential users will end
up leaving Launchpad due to not being able to customize it to meet
their needs. I've not come across a service that has "roles" that does
not allow you to change the specific privileges a "role" has.


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