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Re: how to set or change the "Affects" field for a bug

On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 05:36:45PM -0400, Todd Deshane wrote:
> On 9/4/07, Christian Robottom Reis <kiko@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 02:34:24PM -0400, Todd Deshane wrote:
> > > I would have expected it to be under the Affects column when the bug is open
> > > (Just as you can change the status, importance and assigned to, by clicking
> > > on the current value with the triangle next to it.
> >
> > You can change Affects in that same form. The fact that the affects link
> > links to the product instead of expanding the row is a recent change; it
> > may prove too controversial to stay.
> I still don't understand how to actually change/set it. Could someone
> provide the what to click on trail?

Let's use this single-task [*] bug on staging as an example:

If you want to change the existing task (which Affects
linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15) you'd just click on the expander image
[1] and then change the Package: entry in the appearing form to
something else.

An analogous entry exists for tasks related to upstream projects.

If you want to /add/ a new task, then you would use the "Also Affects"
links at the bottom of the task table.


[*] Each row in that table is in Launchpad speak a "bug task". A bug
task is a record of work that needs to be done to fix that bug in a
certain context -- be it a package or upstream. Tasks have contexts (or
targets), assignees, importances and milestones.
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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