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userpage error - url - what's up - ubuntuforums said to talk to u guys on it..

hi i'm nowshining has an option in
the profile for launchpad users to input their
username there and i did but when clicked i now notice
it goes to a page not found page and yes the username
is correct..

    Launchpad Account:

Page not found

There?s no page with this address in Launchpad.

If you got here from a link elsewhere on Launchpad,
sorry about that. We?re working hard to fix those
broken links.

Otherwise, check that you entered the address
correctly, or complain to the maintainers of the page
that linked here.

If this is blocking your work, let us know on the
launchpad-users mailing list (requires subscription).
Include the error ID OOPS-616A1221

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