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Re: Massive bug expiration spree

For the benefit of others on the list - in Curtis

> We will be restoring wrongly expired bugs to Incomplete status about the day of Monday September 24.

> We are refining the rules to ensure bugs that are duplicates, or with milestones are not expired. We will also revise the rules pertaining the when bugs affect may locations and/or posses bugwatches. A subtle change from checking the date_incomplete to the date of the last message will insulate Incomplete affected areas from Invalidation when the bug conversation focuses on main location that the bug effects.

> An additional process will be incorporated into the bug expiration process. Some period /before/ a bug qualifies for expiration (a week perhaps), Launchpad-janitor will send out a warning that the bug will be expired if no activity is logged (such as sending a follow up requestion for more information).

It's not clear to me whether the 'wrongly expired' bugs that will be
restored is *all* bugs (which is what all users seem to want), or only
the ones that wouldn't match the new rules.  Please restore all of
them before bringing in these changes.

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