Hi Kenneth, I'm really glad that you also agreed with the points we came up with during Saturday's session. The mechanism for "locking" upstream translations and making sure that things always start with upstream (trickling down to Ubuntu or any other distro) is in my opinion an import key in this entire process. I'm very much interested in the feedback from other project leaders and distro guys to see how we can all benefit from this work. I'd like to take the chance to thank Mathew for taking these notes and forwarding to the list. I also would like to invite the Rosetta guys to add their point of view. Cheers, -- Og B. Maciel omaciel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ogmaciel@xxxxxxxxx ogmaciel@xxxxxxxxxx GPG Keys: D5CFC202 http://www.ogmaciel.com (en_US) http://blog.ogmaciel.com (pt_BR)
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