Hi, I'm an upstream developer for the gEDA project. One of our users, Felipe Balbi has registered a launchpad project in our name, and I'm a little concerned that bugs / queries shouldn't get lost here. (If we started using launchpad, we'd perhaps ask for the project to be handed over to be owned by a number of the gEDA developers). We currently use sourceforge, and have separate trackers for bugs, feature requests patches, with various components setup. (gEDA is a suite of tools with different applications). I'd personally quite like to see us use launchpad for bug tracking, but wonder whether it is possible to import our existing bugs from sourceforge, and keep similar functionality in terms of tracking bugs, feature requests and patches for different components. (Ok, so patches could be submitted to either bugs or feature requests I guess). Is it possible to import from the sourceforge trackers? If so, is it possible to keep the same bug numbers? Is it possible to differentiate bugs from feature requests and patches? Also, can someone point me at a guide as to how translations in launchpad work? Some of our users contribute translations. Is it possible for the .pot files to be imported into Launchpad's translation system for "random" people to help translate into more languages, or is this not the way it works? Happy holidays! -- Peter Clifton Electrical Engineering Division, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, 9, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FA Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
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