Gudmund Areskoug wrote:
Perhaps this may not be the reason, but the only place I found where it's visible via e. g. Google, is in the schooltool.po file. Logging in via Launchpad, I notice that a) this is most probably where my address was inserted from, and b) I've been attributed translations I would most certainly never have approved of.
If we reveal your email address to Google then that is, simply put, a bug.From a technical point of view email addresses are not private: you transmit it unencrypted for all to read every time you send an email. Nevertheless we make a point of not revealing it to search engines and such. Do you have a URL for the file on that contains your address?
As a secondary issue, when you say you have been attributed these translations, do you mean that individual translation strings on Launchpad have your name next to them? Or that a translation file lists you as a contributor?
Jeroen Vermeulen Launchpad Translations team
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