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E-mail addresses going public when translating


I've no idea if this is the right forum for this, but it's the only one
I've managed to find so far. Please give me some pointers if this is the
wrong forum.

Back in 2006, I contributed with some translation improvements or
possibly first time translations for some strings in Schooltool via
Launchpad (en -> sv).

A short while ago, I started receiving spam to my hitherto completely
spam free address (not the one I'm using now), and naturally wondered why.

Perhaps this may not be the reason, but the only place I found where
it's visible via e. g. Google, is in the schooltool.po file. Logging in
via Launchpad, I notice that a) this is most probably where my address
was inserted from, and b) I've been attributed translations I would most
certainly never have approved of.

What has happened? Why wasn't there a warning that the address used for
Launchpad would be made public, since there was rather information to
the contrary on the Launchpad site?

Any clues to what might have happened, and how to remove my name and
address from those contributions - *and from public browsability* via
Google, spambots etc.?

Any clues how a clear and explicit warning might be added to the
translation contribution pages?


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