Olha Pelishok wrote:
The problem is that I contributed to translation 'Plone' project into Ukrainian last year (my name is among top contributors - https://launchpad.net/plone/+topcontributors). But as I assume, Plone project was renamed or moved, and the link I translated on gives an error now. Can you help me to find Plone translations so that I can continue to translate?
Plone is still there, but it appears that it does not officially use Launchpad for translations.
Our usual policy is that either a project's authors choose to use Launchpad for translations, or they should not leave the project open for translation in Launchpad at all. Many people have tried to contribute to translations on Launchpad only to find that the project's owners were not making any use of them. To avoid that frustration, we've closed translations for projects that weren't using Launchpad translations.
We're currently considering ways of loosening this policy, but we will need to do it in such a way that the situation does not recur.
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