Uwe Korn wrote: > Hi, > > I wanted to add a .pot file to my project(Rainpress) on Launchpad to manage the translations through it, but since one > week the status of the import is "Needs Review", who should do this review? > > -> https://translations.launchpad.net/rainpress/trunk/+imports > > Greets, > Uwe L. Korn > > I've also been waiting quite a while (a month) for the review of the .pot file of my project (https://translations.launchpad.net/it3/+imports). I'm beginning to think there's a problem with the file... -- My personal blog - http://bordjukov.blogspot.com Spread Google Talk - http://www.spreadgoogletalk.com/ Stop Microsoft Windows Vista adoption by promoting free software - http://badvista.fsf.org
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