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Bogus messages to list, was Re: Spam filtering [Was: Re: Re:]

On Sun, Mar 16, 2008 at 06:10:29PM +0000, Bruce Cowan wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-03-15 at 13:19 +0100, David Allouche wrote:
> > There's the word "cd" in it...
> I wonder if this list should have a spam filter which deletes any
> messages with "CD" or "subscribe" or something.

I've set our list up so that new members posting for the first time are
now moderated. It's a bit annoying to me but hey, the spam is more. We
shouldn't get any crazy messages from new users from now on (and I'm
checking that, when we do get bogus mail, the users that are sending
them are old-time members -- and I kick them out on the spot!)
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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