Hi, > There isn't currently. I've been thinking about this; it's possible that > we change the semantics so that only bug supervisors are allowed to > change statuses, but I fear that's a big pill to swallow. We could make > it optional per-project, but there's the slippery slope with options. I > know this doesn't happen very often, but when it does it's really > annoying (it's happened to quite a few Launchpad bugs before) -- so I'm > a bit hard pressed to decide! FWIW, I've been thinking about this since Andreas' first email. It's a tough nut to crack but as Launchpad gains in popularity, so will the uninformed users and spammers despite the controls we have put in place. We have concepts like project level karma and standing that we could explore to see if they address this. This might be a good topic for UDS or Ubuntu Live.
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