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Re: Permissions for changing status of a ticket?

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 08:25:37AM +0200, Andreas Jung wrote:
> last night,  roughly 20 tickets of  the Zope 2 tracker were marked as 
> Invalid by a person (never heard its name) which is no part of the Zope 2 
> developers group on LP.

It's an unfortunate consequence of hosting bugs openly. In Launchpad we
try to strike the right balance between making it easy for people to use
and modify bugs and keeping the crackpots out, and in this case, it
seems like the crackpot won. Can you tell me privately what user it was
so I can contact him and follow up? Usually just following up with the
end-user resolves the issue.

> Independent of each ticket I am a bit surprised that obviously any
> authenticated LP user is able to change the workflow state of a
> ticket. Is there a configuration option on LP for changing this
> behavior?

There isn't currently. I've been thinking about this; it's possible that
we change the semantics so that only bug supervisors are allowed to
change statuses, but I fear that's a big pill to swallow. We could make
it optional per-project, but there's the slippery slope with options. I
know this doesn't happen very often, but when it does it's really
annoying (it's happened to quite a few Launchpad bugs before) -- so I'm
a bit hard pressed to decide!
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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