2008/4/24 Matthew Revell <matthew.revell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>: > Hi, > > For a while now, we've required that Launchpad beta team members use > their real names. As of today, you can join the beta team whether or > not you use your real name as your Launchpad display name. > > Instead, we'd like to encourage you to use your real name but it's up to you. > > Although most people joining the beta team have been happy to use > their real name, you'll probably have seen discussions on this list > where people have given good reasons for not wanting to use their real > names. The last thing we want to do is discourage you from helping us > beta test new features! Thank you for listening. Caroline (sent to the sender only originally due the stupid reply settings, which they'll never fix as it works in some ancient text only clients..)
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