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Launchpad 1.2.4: copy PPA packages, new code overview page and more

The Launchpad team is proud to announce the release of
Launchpad 1.2.4 on 1st May 2008!

New features this month include:

 * the ability to build PPA packages for multiple series and
   copy packages from one PPA to another
 * a new design for project code overview pages
 * an easier way for casual contributors to post to
   mailing lists.

Read on for more about what's new and how it affects you.

Copying PPA packages

Building on other people's work and publishing packages for
different Ubuntu releases are now easier. You can copy
packages both:

 * from other PPAs directly into any PPA you can upload to
 * and to different distro-series within the same PPA.

For an example, take a look at the Ubuntu Mobile team's PPA
package copy page:

There's more in the PPA quick-start guide:

New project code overview page

Project code overview pages have an improved page layout.
Tim Penhey, who created the design, explains the changes:

  Usually, people want to know a couple of things from a
  project's code page: how active it is and which are the
  important branches.

  You can now see, at a glance, how many commits, branches
  and code contributors a project has. And there's a new
  branch listing that highlights which branches are
  associated with a series.

Take a look at the Bazaar project's code overview page for
an example:

Contributing to mailing lists without subscribing

If you need to make a one-off post to a mailing list you
may not want to subscribe. Now you can make a post and
Launchpad will hold it for the list's admins to moderate.


Other changes this month

 * Project bug contacts are now called bug supervisors.

 * Watches on bugs in Gforge and Savane based trackers are
   now supported.

 * You can now subscribe to all the bugs affecting a project
   group, project series or distribution series. See

 * A distro's PPA overview page now shows you recent uploads,
   most active archives and supported series.

For full details of the bug fixes and features that make up
this release, take a look at the 1.2.4 milestone page:

Help us test Launchpad

If you want to help us test new features, we'd love to have
you in our beta team.

Find out more at

Stay in touch!

Thanks for helping us make Launchpad a success! If you come
across any bugs, please file them at:

If you want to get in touch for any other reason, join us in
#launchpad or on launchpad-users.

There'll be more in Launchpad 1.2.5, at the end of this month.

Matthew Revell -
Join us in #launchpad on

This is the launchpad-users mailing list archive — see also the general help for mailing lists.

(Formatted by MHonArc.)