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Re: Ubuntu allowing translations into unsupported languages

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 02:26:27PM +0100, Bruce Cowan wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 11:06 +0800, Arne Goetje wrote:
> > > The lead developer was surprised that Ubuntu has a Hebrew translation.
> > > Like many upstreams they have no idea that Ubuntu translates packages
> > > itself, and doesn't send the translations upstream.
> > 
> > well, the issue that we don't send the translations upstream is indeed
> > something we work on to improve. However, we don't have any solution
> > ready yet, because that is mainly a logistic problem... we would need to
> > keep track of all upstream bug contacts for each package. Unless this
> > information is stored and maintained (!) in the package itself in an
> > easy to parse format, so that such kind of bugs can be submitted
> > automatically by script, I don't see any practical way to solve this
> > issue any time soon.
> > Suggestions for this are welcome, of course.
> I'd propose Ubuntu people stop forking packages with proprietary
> translations and instead work with the upstream projects properly. The
> current situation only compounds the perception amongst people that
> Ubuntu = all of FOSS, which is dangerous.

Well, there's a practical concern, which is that upstream doesn't
normally translate already-released versions, which is what most
end-users see, and many end-users are able to contribute to. This is
what rolling language packs solves, and having people come in and help
via Rosetta to make /their/ desktop better translated is an important
advantage we have today.

At any rate I agree with you that helping manage these translations back
into upstream is essential in the big picture, and that's work that will
be happening post July as we move Rosetta into next gear. 
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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