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Re: Copy packages to same PPA, different distro

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 9:09 PM, Pau Garcia i Quiles
<pgquiles@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Quoting Celso Providelo <celso.providelo@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 7:52 PM, Pau Garcia i Quiles
>> <pgquiles@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Quoting Celso Providelo <celso.providelo@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Pau Garcia i Quiles
>>>> <pgquiles@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Quoting Dan <danmbox@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> It does not work for me, either. I even blogged about that:
>>>>>> Hi all, I am having trouble creating binaries for both Gutsy AND Hardy
>>>>>> in the same PPA. Here's what happened:
>>>>>> 0) My package was initially made for Debian, so the most recent
>>>>>> changelog entry points to "unstable". Therefore,
>>>>>> 1) I uploaded the source package to ~myname/ubuntu/hardy
>>>>>> 2) The package built fine, and Hardy .deb's showed up in the PPA
>>>>>> 3) I requested "Copy Packages" to the same PPA / target distro Gutsy,
>>>>>> without checking the "copy binary packages" checkbox
>>>>>> 4) The package again built fine (the build logs contained no errors
>>>>>> and the PPA front page says my packages are published for Gutsy)
>>>>>> But I cannot find the Gutsy binaries. For example,
>>>>>> is empty (0 bytes in size)
>>>>>> Upon further inspection, I don't even see how this could work *in
>>>>>> principle*, since the Hardy .deb's in pool/main/m/mypackage have no
>>>>>> indication that they are Hardy-specific. That is, even if Gutsy .deb's
>>>>>> were built, they would have no place to go (short of over-riding the
>>>>>> Hardy .deb's in pool/main/...)
>>>>>> What am I doing wrong? What is the right way to create both Hardy and
>>>>>> Gutsy .deb's?
>>>> You should either:
>>>> 1. Build the source once in Gutsy and copy source & binaries to Hardy
>>>> (the opposite should also work, but it depends on the which features
>>>> you used in your package).
>>> Copy binaries?
>> Yes, there is a checkbox in +copy-packages UI saying:
>> {{{
>> | | Copy binaries
>> Whether or not to copy the binary packages for the selected sources.
>> }}}
> I know but I'm not sure copying a binary between different distributions
> (for instance, Gutsy and Hardy) makes sense, as the binary would probably
> not work due to linkage issues.
>>> What I used to do is build on Gutsy, then copy source to Hardy. Soyuz
>>> then
>>> built the Hardy version of those packages but they were never made
>>> available
>>> to users.
>> Right, but that shouldn't and will not be allowed anymore, see the
>> example:
>> 1. foo_1.0 source in gutsy builds foo-bin_1.0_all.deb which gets
>> published it the archive.
>> 2. foo_1.0 source copied to hardy will also build the same
>> foo-bin_1.0_all.deb but with different contents (at least, with
>> different timestamps in the data.tar.gz).
>> This last binary cannot be published in the archive, otherwise all apt
>> clients using the gutsy binary would be in inconsistent state, forced
>> to upgrade to the same version with different contents.
> I guess that's what the OP and I are suffering

Yes, probably.

>>>> 2. Upload new versions of the source to build to build in Hardy.
>>> Yes, that works but then you are not using the "copy packages" feature.
>>> BTW,
>>> being able to automate package copy would also be nice.
>> Maybe, but I'm not sure how valuable it would be. Do you have any
>> specific use-case in mind ?
> I can think of these two use cases:
> - Automatically copying packages between two PPAs. For instance, for
> Zumastor we have two PPAs, zumastor-team and zumastor-releases. Everytime a
> svn commit is done to the Zumastor repository, a package is built and
> published to the zumastor-team PPA. On the other hand, only the stable
> releases are published to the zumastor-releases PPA (ATM, manually copied
> from zumastor-team). Automating this would make life easier.

Interesting setup, it seems to be the adopted pattern for all
Product-related PPAs, development & release.

Are you imagining something kind of programmatic way to trigger the
copies once you are happy with QA ? a API ?

> - Automatically building a package for more than one release (in the same
> PPA or in a different one). For instance, I may want to build my package for
> Gutsy, Hardy and Intrepid. ATM, either I manually copy the package (which
> does not work) or I upload the source three times (which is a PITA)

Right, propagating source & binaries once they are built ...

That's indeed a good idea. Can you file a bug about it, please ?

Celso Providelo <celso.providelo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
IRC: cprov, Jabber: cprov@xxxxxxxxxx, Skype: cprovidelo
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