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Re: Copy packages to same PPA, different distro

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 10:43:51PM +0300, Dan wrote:
> > It's not only about the archive topology, but mainly for packaging consistency.
> >  If foo-bin works fine for gutsy and hardy why would you have to
> >  rebuild it and in case it doesn't work as expected in a later series
> >  the issue should be fixed and documented as a new version of the
> It would be useful to have a different binary for Hardy (even when the
> Gutsy binary works) in the cases when Hardy provides updated libraries
> that the package uses. Say libfoo1 is available both in Gutsy and
> Hardy, but Hardy also provides libfoo2. The source package may not
> care (it requires either libfoo1 | libfoo2). But the Gutsy .deb cannot
> depend on libfoo2 (only libfoo1 is available on Gutsy), while the
> Hardy .deb can. So two .deb's would be very beneficial.

You should bring this up in the Ubuntu community; the issue above is
basically us enforcing their policy (very simplistically, no bin-NMUs).
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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