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Re: BSD licence

2008/6/29 Sebastian Heinlein <glatzor@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello,
> the newly added licence agreement in Rosetta includes the following
> statement:
> "If you choose not to use the BSD licence, we will remove your
> translations from Launchpad shortly after July 31st."
> Are we going to loose all the translation of former and no longer active
> translators? Do you have got any data on how many translations we would
> loose?
> Will there be a special mark in the exported po files for BSD licenced
> messages?
> How can I merge my translation upstream if they use an alternative
> licence, e.g. GPL? They would have to include a quiet odd licence
> statement, right?

I'm now worried that we (upstream) may have to remove the translations
we synced from Rosetta. Aren't they currently under the license
upstream chooses?


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