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Re: Translations

Hi Tim,

On Tuesday at 18:52, Tim Cook wrote:

> I have submitted a template that was generated using the Zope
> i18nextract utility.
> This utility created a .pot file with entries like this:
> #: site.zcml:38
> msgid "Site Manager"
> msgstr ""
> #: site.zcml:39
> msgid "Site Member"
> msgstr ""
> #: site.zcml:45
> msgid "Everybody"
> msgstr ""
> so the file name and line number is used as a comment and the msgstr is
> empty.
> When I make type corrections or add new msgids then upload a new
> template file; will the Launchpad Translation utilities somehow
> magically merge the existing Translations with the new template?

Corrections will appear as new strings as well, and they will be
handled correctly: translations for existing messages won't be lost,
but new ones will have no translations.

What Og was talking about (in his second reply) is msgmerge "fuzzy
matching" for those strings which have only slightly changed, thus
expecting that a translation needs only slight changes as well
(though, msgmerge implementation is a relatively bad similarity
matching algorithm that basically counts the number of identical
characters between strings to offer a "fuzzy suggestion").  You can
also use msgmerge offline to provide fuzzy suggestions as well, though
we plan to remove their support entirely and instead concentrate on
implementing better similarity matched suggestions.


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