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Re: Question re: rejected PPA upload

On 2008-07-12 03:46:10 -0400, Michael B. Trausch wrote:
> I attempted to upload Pidgin 2.4.3 to a PPA and received the following
> mail back from Launchpad:
> Rejected:
> Unable to identify file pidgin_2.4.3.orig.tar.bz2 (net) in changes.
> Further error processing not possible because of a critical previous
> error.

The current source packages only supports .orig.tar.gz. There are plans
in Debian for an updated source package format which also accepts
.orig.tar.bz2 but I don't know when it gets ready.

> I then attempted to upload it again, using a .tar.gz file, and got the
> following back:
> Rejected:
> MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive
> Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack
> verification.
> The .orig.tar.bz2 was the pristine sources from upstream from the 2.4.3
> release.  When I made it a .gz, all I did was unpack the .bz2 and repack
> it as a .gz.  Whatever, I figure.

IIRC gzip also includes a timestamp in it's header. So even if you take
the same file you will get each time a different gzip file (different

> So, I did a 'debuild -S -sd', so that it'd only upload my .dsc
> and .diff.gz file.  Then, I got this:
> Rejected:
> MD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive
> Files specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack
> verification.

The .dsc file references the .orig.tar.gz and the .diff.gz.
And the md5sum of the .orig.tar.gz in intrepid didn't match the one
listed in your .dsc file.

I don't know the reason for it but PPA apparently always prefers the
.orig.tar.gz from the official Ubuntu archive to the one you upload (if
the versions are the same).

If you get the next time a error about a md5sum mismatch, check if the
release you want to upload already contains the same upstream version of
the package and use that .orig.tar.gz to build your package.


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