Hi, Today I'm happy to announce two changes which appear on the Launchpad Legal page. 1) The Launchpad Logo, previously unlicensed, is now licensed as "Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales". "No Derivative" was chosen to preserve our branding integrity. 2) The Launchpad Help wiki documentation and the Launchpad News blog, previously unlicensed, are now licensed as "Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales". These changes have been made in response to our users and other commercial entities inquiring if they can display/reuse/remix these items. Previously, any non-Launchpad use required explicit permission (except as permitted by fair-use). Please visit the Launchpad Legal page located at https://help.launchpad.net/Legal for the full details and links to the Creative Commons Licenses. Joey Stanford https://launchpad.net/~rinchen
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