Hi everyone, Having been helping some projects use launchpad I've come to realize that while help.launchpad.net is comprehensive, it's missing something that I think some developers would find useful - workflow examples. If you look at bzr they have a nice set of examples here: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows The help documentation is good at explaining how everything works but I can't seem to find anything that tells you how it all works together in one workflow, which is unfortunate since that's Launchpad's biggest feature. So for example, for gwibber Ryan wanted to retire a branch and make an existing branch the new "trunk", or "head", or wait, he didn't know what to call it. So we started digging, and we understand what a "series" is, but we don't understand how we're supposed to /use/ series in the context of our project. So we have this feature sitting there, and no real grasp of how it affects the project, or what we're really supposed to do with it. lp provides the infrastructure for people to branch and merge and do code reviews, but the help is isolated for each one, there needs to be something that says: a) Jack publishes branch foo. b) Jane sees branch, branches it, registers it on launchpad. c) Jane proposes branch for merge d) Jack merges branch using cool new web review tool. e) Joe publishes branch on PPA f) Jane wants to do another feature and branches it again. Good news! Each one of these steps already has documentation on how it works!! - there just needs to be a "best practices" or "New to launchpad? Try this workflow!" document that ties it all together so that when people try launchpad they understand what to do during each step of their development process. Note that some people do things differently, but a nice example of how people run a well run project with branching, merging, reviewing, etc I think would be useful. -- Jorge Castro jorge (at) ubuntu.com External Project Developer Relations Canonical Ltd.
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