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Re: Bugzilla and Trac plugins: Request for beta testers

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 6:57 PM, Graham Binns <graham@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Is anyone working with major upstreams to test this? Maybe Jorge?
>> I would love to see GNOME, KDE, Mozilla (etc) implement this.
> AIUI, Jorge did talk to the GNOME Bugzilla maintainer about this
> briefly at GUADEC. Nothing concrete came out of that discussion, IIRC.
> Jorge, can you elaborate on my shockingly poor memory of what you said
> about that conversation?

Unfortunately the GNOME bugzilla is running a highly customized 2.x
and the plugin is for 3.x and above currently. When they start
considering 3.x and resetup a development bugzilla server then I will
ask again, since this is mostly all depending on how much free time
Olav has. :D

Jorge Castro
jorge (at)
External Project Developer Relations
Canonical Ltd.

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