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Re: Rosetta: Need re-upload of packages to get upstream translations?

Sebastian Heinlein [2008-09-13 21:45 +0200]:
> once again Rosetta makes a very bad image: The translations for Intrepid
> have been opened quite late (after feature freeze). A lot of upstream
> translations are missing. In the case of KDE it is a total desaster:
> E.g. the upstream translation of konqueror is nearly 100% in Kubuntu
> only ~ 50%. The corresponding upstream team is more than disappointed.

It's not much better with GNOME, a lot of important translations, like
Evolution, are missing as well.

I can only speculate that the reason is that every new domain has to
be hand approved by the Rosetta admins, and there is quite a large

However, I believe that this requirement creates a *lot* of totally
unnecessary busy-work. Based on the import logic I wrote for the
ancient langpack-o-matic (which directly took the package translation
tarballs and created langpacks out of them), 90% of source packages
can be imported totally automatically in a robust way, and a lot more
can with relatively robust heuristics rules. I only had to create
manual mapping rules for a mere 5(!) source packages, and those cases
can be detected very easily.

So I strongly propose the Launchpad translations developers to improve
the import logic instead of wasting precious developer time on
approving all domains manually. I talked about this briefly with
Jeroen last week, and he seemed to be open to the idea.



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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