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Re: Review dashboard

2008/11/6 Jonathan Lange <jml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello,
> It's becoming increasingly important for me to have a review dashboard.
> I need to be able to have a single page that shows me:
>    - the reviews I *must* do
>    - the reviews I *can* do
>    - the reviews I'm waiting for.
>    - code of mine that has recently been reviewed that I've yet to do
> anything about.
> These need to be separate lists. They also need to be filtered /
> grouped / sorted by project, since some of the time I'm being paid to
> work on a particular project to the exclusion of others, and since
> switching mental context between projects is expensive.
> I realise that a more global "dashboard" might be useful, but just
> having this would make Launchpad vastly more useful for me.

In addition I'd like to see the bugs that I have In Progress and the
branches that they're linked to. It'd also be cool if we could do
something iGoogleish, so that you could have different widgets on a
per project basis (you could use the bug search, for example, to
construct a list of bugs for a given project and then put that in a
widget so that you can see what your to-do list is. Perhaps this could
track bugs assigned to you in the current milestone for $project).

Graham Binns | PGP Key: 4DAD18FA

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