Jonathan Lange wrote:
Hello, It's becoming increasingly important for me to have a review dashboard. I need to be able to have a single page that shows me: - the reviews I *must* do
These would be the ones that where explicitly requested for your review?
- the reviews I *can* do
This may get quite big, as it's any that you have permissions on the target branch, or belong to a team that has been requested to review it.
- the reviews I'm waiting for.
With any pending reviews? As in, if there are 2 reviews requested, and just 1 got filled in?
- code of mine that has recently been reviewed that I've yet to do anything about.
All requested reviews done?
These need to be separate lists. They also need to be filtered / grouped / sorted by project, since some of the time I'm being paid to work on a particular project to the exclusion of others, and since switching mental context between projects is expensive.
I realise that a more global "dashboard" might be useful, but just having this would make Launchpad vastly more useful for me.
+1 billion -- Martin
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