on 06/11/08 06:07 shirish said the following: > Hi Tom, > I'm still unable to access them. Although the regular server works fine. stepping back a bit here: What do you mean by "unable to access"? They time out? You get an immediate and fast rejection message? You get a 4xx? You get a 5xx? Please send through a copy of the error message you're seeing. What troubleshooting have you tried: You mention you were able to access edge, but now can't - what has changed in your local PC configuration? Have you tried different browsers? Different PC's? Different physical locations (work vs home for example)? Do you have any local firewall and/or Anti-virus and/or other proxies that may be in the way? Have you tried logging off; and then logging back in? I had a situation where I was logged into lp.net; but was logged out of edge.lp.net - is that sounding similar? Cheers! - Steve
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