On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 12:18 AM, Matthew Revell <matthew.revell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Your mention of trawling through the milestone pages suggests that > this isn't working for you. Is that because you find the interface > hard work or something else? > > gmb suggested in the irc conversation that we could produce both the > big announcement and a more traditional changelog. That's certainly a > possibility but I'd want to make sure it was going to be useful to > quite a few people and that it would definitely do something beyond > what's available now, before I commit to producing it each month. Maybe there could be a little script to dump the milestone comments into a form suitable for mail? For Bazaar we now (eg http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.1.9/en/release-notes/NEWS.html) have a summary paragraph for the release plus a detailed summary. Maybe that would work for Launchpad. I do think the summary that works in a NEWS file can be quite different to what's in a bug description, and it is more useful to people who want to see what's changed. On the other hand I don't envy Matthew needing to produce this every month. Maybe you should, as we do, have developers add to the file, and then Matthew could just edit the existing text. -- Martin <http://launchpad.net/~mbp/>
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