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translation memory server development
My name is Lucas Augusto Deters. I am a graduate in Information Systems at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. As completion of course work, I am developing a translation memory server that I want to make available under the GPL license.
The inspiration for the development of this server arose from the use of the tool Rosetta, from the portal Launchpad. and for this reason I would like to count on your collaboration to get some data of use of the tool Rosetta, which will be used for comparison with the developed tool.
I will appreciate if someone can quite answer the following questions:
1) What is the average of usários simultaneous connected?
2) What is the average of consultations to simultaneous translation memories?
3) What is the peak of concurrent users connected?
4) What is the peak of consultations to simultaneous translation memories?
5) What is the current infrastructure used to meet the demands for translation memories?
I am grateful for your cooperation, and I apologize for my bad English.
Lucas Augusto Deters
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