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Re: I got this when trying to post a bug. Probably private key related.

On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 06:27:36PM +0000, Graham Binns wrote:
> 2008/11/28 Thomas Delbeke <toom2079@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > Lost something?
> >
> > There's no page with this address in Launchpad.
> Hi Thomas. For some reason, you appear to be trying to visit a page in
> Launchpad that doesn't exist. The URL that you're visiting,
> has an extra section on the end that as far as Launchpad is concerned
> is nonsense.

Graham, that is (kind of) a valid URL to go to. When Apport generates a
crash report, it will send the user to a URL similar to the one above.
The last part is the token that identifies the crash report, which will
be attached to the bug report.

The crash report seems to have been deleted already, thus it resulted in
a 404. We shouldn't produce a 404 here. Instead we should redirect to
the +filebug page, with some kind of error/warning message.



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