On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 7:20 PM, Jacob Peddicord <jpeddicord@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > When I click the Bugs tab, it takes me to the "List all related bugs" > action, which I would assume includes all of the other categories like > assigned, subscribed, commented. This seems like a sensible default to me. > Why not just bookmark your assigned bugs page? > https://bugs.launchpad.net/people/+me/+assignedbugs I think that a person's bug page is used much too often to have a bookmark be the best solution to their frustration with navigating it. There are two different situations when a user might want to return to a specific search listing. One, when they are starting their work on bugs for the day, and two, when they have finished editing a bug and want to get back to whatever search results they were using at the time. The first item could avoid yet another configuration that users don't know about by just remembering the last search options they used on the person's bug page. It might seem like the browser history solves the second item, but if the user has made several edits to the bug, they have to read the page title for several items in the history and hope they choose the right one. Gmail has a nice solution for this. If you are reading an email, there is always a link in the same place which says either "Back to MAILBOXNAME" or "Back to Search Results". -Edwin
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