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Re: [Launchpad-users] launchpadlib anonymous access?

Christian Robottom Reis [2009-01-18  9:57 -0200]:
> > This is bothering me as well, and prevents me from effectively using
> > launchpadlib in e. g. apport.
> Hmmm. Why? Doesn't the user need an account to submit bugs anyway?

Yes, but so far we are using the web browser for that. If the user had
to authenticate first in the apport UI, and then again in the web
browser, this would be quite unfriendly.

>     p-l-b doesn't necessarily put more load on the server. It depends on
>     what it's doing -- fetching +text is actually cheaper than pulling
>     in bug data via the API.

Good to know. On the client side I'm not actually doing that much,
just finding out some package versions, etc., which means to parse
some https:// HTML pages.


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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