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Re: [Launchpad-users] launchpadlib anonymous access?

On January 18, 2009, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
> Just two comments:
>     p-l-b doesn't necessarily put more load on the server. It depends on
>     what it's doing -- fetching +text is actually cheaper than pulling
>     in bug data via the API.

Only marginally cheaper. Not a big difference actually.

>     If a username/password was hardcoded and the software caused
>     problems, we could definitely throttle or disable that user.
> Having said that, I am not philosophically opposed to allowing read-only
> access to anonymous users, having said that (via Launchpad.View for
> instance). Leonard, is there any non-technical reason why we shouldn't
> do it, or alternatively, is there a strong technical one?

The only reason was for throttling and auditing.

Francis J. Lacoste

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