On Wed, 25 Mar 2009 15:08:54 +0100 David Allouche <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 13:53, Curtis Hovey <sinzui.is@xxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote: > >> Why can't +me be directly substituted for ~your-name. > > > > I don't see any reason it cannot be. The reason why it is > > subordinate to /people/ is because that is the collection of > > people. > > Can this be faithfully rephrased as: "it was easier to the programmer > to do it the way it is, but there's no technical or social reason why > it cannot be done in the way that you propose, which I acknowledge is > easier to the user"? > > Or would that be putting words in your mouth? That's what's known as "We didn't think about it" syndrome. More commonly known as "Not Invented Here". Much like some of us with vision problems have issues not being able to place the new notifications system where we'd like it to appear on our screen, the URL must be the way it is, because any other idea was Not Invented Here (by the programmer/designer/project manager/whatever). --- Mike
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