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Re: [Launchpad-users] Digest for this list?

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:35 PM, John <jpyper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
...[using] a filter to flag the
message for the proper list and archive the message to its proper tag,
which removes it from the inbox and shows it in the tag folder as
unread. This way when I have the time to read through my emails, I
just look at the folders with numbers next to them and read the
messages with subjects the interest me. It is sort of a auto-digest of
sorts. Food for thought.

There's a great article in the NY Times today (An Orderly Office? That's Personal — ). it includes this note:

[The organizer and designer] Ms. Whited said I was the kind of person who needed to see things in front of me or else I forgot I had them. Apparently, I’m not alone.

“More and more people I see aren’t using their filing cabinets, except for archival material,” Ms. Whited said. “It works great for some people — they’re the clean desk people. They take just one thing out at a time. They can focus on one thing at a time. They can put it back in the filing cabinet and take out the next thing they need.”

What I needed, on the other hand, was a system that would allow me to see a lot of my papers and other materials at once, without the chaos of a paper-cluttered desk.

I am without question a person who needs things out in plain sight. For instance, I have ten tabs open in Firefox right now and I haven't needed to look at the content in seven of those since yesterday morning. But not all the strands are tied down, and the open tab brings me back to the subject easily when I am ready to finish everything up.

Email too I'm afraid. But why else would we have an abbreviation like YMMV if one size fit all?

Roger Sperberg
27 Aubrey Rd
Montclair, NJ 07043-2201
973-200-4224 rings all numbers
firstinitial nospace lastname at gmail

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