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[Launchpad-users] syncing translations across series(es)


My project wxbanker has a 0.4 series with translations. I've since branched and made a 0.5 series which is in development. While doing this people have added translations to the stable 0.4 series. What is the easiest way for me to get all the relevant newly translated languages/strings from the 0.4 series into my 0.5 series, which now of course has a different template with some strings added and some removed?

What I think would be optimal is a translation merging system that looks at things at a higher level than the po/mo files. If I say I want to merge translations from series A to B, it will for each string add the translation in B if it doesn't already exist, and overwrite it if the translation in A is more recent than the translation in B. Of course it also wouldn't bring over any translations from A where the string to be translated doesn't exist in B.

Especially with the new auto-importing of templates in version control (, perhaps smarter things could be done with the actual .mo files if they too are in version control. For example I could say I want to merge translations from series A to B and launchpad will create a branch for me to review and merge. Ideally, with all the relevent files hosted in launchpad code, a user should never have to use the import/export tools in Rosetta.

It feels like there should be some sane way to accomplish merging translations, or at least pulling everything relevant from one series into another. Am I missing an obvious way to do this? Last time I exported from one and imported into the other, but the import took about a week and I think required a template to be imported with it, which doesn't make sense in this scenario.

Thanks for any help!
Michael Rooney

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