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Re: [Launchpad-users] syncing translations across series(es)

Hello Mike,
I think you'll be glad to hear that message sharing is almost completely
implemented. It will be available in one of the next releases.


Am 02.04.2009 05:54, Mike Rooney schrieb:
> Hello,
> My project wxbanker has a 0.4 series with translations. I've since
> branched and made a 0.5 series which is in development. While doing
> this people have added translations to the stable 0.4 series. What is
> the easiest way for me to get all the relevant newly translated
> languages/strings from the 0.4 series into my 0.5 series, which now of
> course has a different template with some strings added and some removed?

> It feels like there should be some sane way to accomplish merging
> translations, or at least pulling everything relevant from one series
> into another. Am I missing an obvious way to do this? Last time I
> exported from one and imported into the other, but the import took
> about a week and I think required a template to be imported with it,
> which doesn't make sense in this scenario.

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