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[Launchpad-users] pushing code

I'm new to launchpad, but I am trying to use it to publish my own code.

I am however having difficulty.

I've followed the instructions here:

and set up a branch like so

Status:  	Development
Update this branch: 	bzr push lp:~darryl-moores/+junk/test
Linked bug reports and blueprints

I can log in, from a terminal with bzr but I always get error messages
when I run bzr push. Does anybody know what is going on. The
instructions above gave no insighed and when I googled I only came up
with an instance where someone was using a soft linked directory.

here is what my terminal looks like:

darryl@el-grande:~/tuxit/scripts/scripts/server$ bzr launchpad-login
darryl@el-grande:~/tuxit/scripts/scripts/server$   bzr push
lp:~darryl-moores/+junk/test --use-existing-dir
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/darryl/tuxit/scripts/scripts/server/".



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