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[Launchpad-users] merge request resubmission

Hey guys,

I think there's a workflow issue with merge request resubmission.
Currently, if I've submitted a merge request and someone has suggested
it needs fixing, what I do is fix it, push, and then change the status
to resubmit. (This, in and of itself is non-obvious, btw, but not what
I'm writing about)

The thing is, then the process is:

Request Review
Add Comment

This generates three emails, and it's three discreet steps. It seems to
me that, if I'm "re"submitting, then the default behavior would be to
request a review from whomever reviewed it before, or whomever was
requested to review it before. It also seems like on that confirmation
page for the resubmission that shows the revs that are going to be
resubmitted, that having the review request selection (prepopulated with
a sensible default) and a space to leave an optional comment would both
streamline the process and make certain aspects of the process more obvious.

Also, although it's not core to this, having the "resubmit"
functionality accessible through change status is clunky and odd. AND, I
would _dearly_ love an "approve it" button on the review page, so that I
don't have to write an approve comment and then go back through and
approve the request (especially since I can do both at once through the
email interface)


PS. Can you tell I spend a good amount of my day using the merge request
interface? :)

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