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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your top three wishes for Launchpad? (4.0 planning)

> With the 3.0 release coming up soon, we're beginning the 4.0 planning
> process.  To help with prioritization, we'd like to know your top 3
> wishes for Launchpad 4.0.  Please follow up in this thread, and...
>   *** *** ***
>   Don't change your response based on other responses in this thread.
>   *** *** ***
> That is, if you were going to say "I want a wiki", and you see other
> people saying that already, please *still* say it -- we want to gauge
> relative popularity too.

1. i18n of the UI
2. Integrated wiki (and wiki syntax for most textbox fields
like description, bugtracker, ...)
3. Code hosting with native Git support

Jan-Marek Glogowski

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