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Re: [Launchpad-users] ArchiveReorganization

On Sunday 06 September 2009 18:49:28 shirish wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I was reading this wiki post.
> . Does somebody have
> information what's the latest on this ?
> I am asking this list as part of that document also mentions about
> Launchpad and the UI. (specifically
> uploaders ) ,
>  The last entry was done some 6 months back so any light more on this
> on the page.


As far as I know, the Ubuntu team is going ahead with packageset-based upload 
authorisations for Karmic and they are setting up the data for this as I 
write.  (See  
Launchpad is ready to handle this.

The "Additional uploaders" is orthogonal to that; that is to say the feature 
has been implemented for a while now and is separate to the packagesets.

If you want more information on its progress, your best bet is to talk to the 
Ubuntu team.


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