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Re: [Launchpad-users] Your top three wishes for Launchpad? (4.0 planning)


Hi all,
I actually wanted to make a more stronger case for having website and
features within Launchpad and I have tales of two software to share
alongwith it :)

Another thing which I want to share is that I do like to use wikipedia
as a reference whenever I'm looking for software as well (apart from
within apt ) as sometimes there is software which has not been
packaged officially in ubuntu.  Would give more details after the tale
is done.

 There used to be two *.swf file-playing implementations . One is
gnash while the other <strong> was </strong> swfdec. The difference
between the two are while gnash is like Debian's release (rock solid
but missing on features) swfdec was very much like fedora (shiny baby,
would fall at times but could pack in surprises now and then) .

I used to enjoy services of both the softwares for viewing videos on
youtube or playing Flash (.swf) as there were no alternatives back
then. .(.ogg is becoming slightly mainstream since then due to Mozilla
Firefox's stand , .apng and others haven't much of a headaway)

For a long time Ubuntu had issues with getting swfdec in repositories
and then making sure it was updated to current form.

For about 6 months I didn't look at what's happening with swfdec as my
graphics drivers developed snag and I had to go back to MS-Windows as
my main OS . Many other problems but that's for another conversation.

On a hunch even when I was running Windows I decided to check out
swfdec I came to know that the author of swfdec has put swfdec to

The ecosystem has become poorer due to this . Simply because when
there are two, there is competition in one sense or the other which
leads to innovation.

I also do know that Otte, the lone/main developer/hacker had to look
for quite sometime before he got a place under GNOME's cloud.

Some links for the tale.

I am not saying in any sense that just having a richer home would have
made things better for him, but it may provide relief for lots of
developers and they can concentrate more on functionality rather than
          Shirish Agarwal
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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