Hi all, Translation import queue will not be processing any entries until at least Monday evening (which is the earliest time we can get changes into Launchpad production machines). What happened? Last night a poimport script caused a problem in Launchpad database and caused overall system problems. Basically, all of Launchpad was affected. Nothing so far indicates that it is a problem with the script itself, but it seems to have pushed our postgres instance over the edge by making it eat all the disk space on database server. To preserve other services, poimport script has been stopped until we come up with adequate workaround. I know this is unfortunate and may make it impossible for you to do your work, but in order to avoid causing problems for everybody else (along with causing them for you), the script will stay disabled over the weekend. What will we do about it? On Monday, we'll roll out a slower version of the script out which excludes the query which causes postgres to misbehave, but that will mean that imports will go noticably slower. We will actively work on finding a solution to the problem after we get at least the basic imports back up and running. I thoroughly apologize for the reduced service quality. Cheers, Danilo
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