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[Launchpad-users] [OT] wiki articles and the wiki culture

Hi all,
  This might be outside the scope of Launchpad or not I don't really
know. I know that uses moinmoin and I don't know what
number of reasons it has been stagnating for sometime. (This is a
feeling/observation and an outsider view. May or may not be true,
other launchpaders and community members would be better to share what
you feel about the same. )

I have seen two serious issues with MoinMoin which is why I stopped
adding articles.

a. Unable to do section editing :- There is already a good thread on
MoinMoin wiki itself . Perhaps somebody can do something about it.

b. Author history :-  This is my own use-case which I'm sure is
reflected among quite a few people as well. I have written 1-2
articles on . While I don't remember which I wrote I
expect the system to remember the same for me and be able  to use
them. I had a smallish interview when they wanted to see what kind of
things I write about. While I tried to search the wiki I didn't know
where to look.

Later on found BOINC ( otherwise even this would
have been lost.

I am sure if both of these bugs are taken care of there could be quite
some good article submissions  as well. The more easier the tools, the
easier the workflows and easier contrbuting things.

Looking forward for feedback on the same.
          Shirish Agarwal
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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