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Re: [Launchpad-users] api for checking membership of a team?

On Tue, 2009-11-17 at 11:41 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> If I wanted to write an API client to check whether a particular user
> is a member (possibly indirectly) of a particular team (specifically
>, is there
> any simple way to do it?  A brief look a while ago seemed to show that
> I would need to manually traverse all of the teams, which seems
> inefficient...

I tried and failed to expose it in the API at last allhands. I was not
the first to try. It failed. The branch is my only long-lived branch. It
is a security problem. I believe I left notes either in the bug of the
review that explains the lesson I learned. We need two implementations
for inTeam() to make this work.

__Curtis C. Hovey_________

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