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Re: [Launchpad-users] api for checking membership of a team?

On 2009-11-17 11:41:35 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> If I wanted to write an API client to check whether a particular user
> is a member (possibly indirectly) of a particular team (specifically
>, is there
> any simple way to do it?  A brief look a while ago seemed to show that
> I would need to manually traverse all of the teams, which seems
> inefficient...

As ubuntu-dev-tools also needs to know if a person is a member of a
team, we are using the following code for it:
| def isLpTeamMember(self, team):
|     '''
|     Checks if the user is a member of a certain team on Launchpad.
|     Returns True if the user is a member of the team otherwise False
|     '''
|     return any( == team for t in self.super_teams)
(self can be a person or team object, and team is the team name we are
looking for).


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