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Re: [Launchpad-users] New launchpadlib cookbook

markus korn <thekorn@xxxxxx> writes:
> Greate idea,
> I started [0] some time ago. I will move the sample code from this
> page to the new one later today.
> Markus
> [0]

Markus, I was editing API/Examples anyway, so I just brought your
snippets over and left a redirect at the old page.  I tried to adjust
the snippets to match the style of the rest of the page, but please
check it over.

Note that due to launchpadlib versioning skew, the examples currently on
the page may not work for some people.  For example, they didn't work
for me with launchpadlib 1.5.1, but they did work for Brad Crittenden
with  Brad and I are working on fixing things up so that

  a) The page states the minimum version of launchpadlib you need
  b) The examples on the page all work with that version and any
     later versions.


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